Security in times of the pandemic

projects submitted in this category will be aimed at helping to ensure the safety of children and young people during e-learning and intensified Internet use, combating online fraud, etc. This category also includes solutions that facilitate the lives of the elderly and those at risk during and after a pandemic, and fight against digital exclusion.
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Business, science & technology during the crisis

projects submitted in this category should support and accelerate the cooperation of scientists with business through the use of new technologies. Participants will also seek for solutions on how to accelerate the return to full economic activity and limit the negative effects of the crisis on the Polish economy.
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E-commerce and logistics

in this category we are looking for ideas to improve contactless delivery, management and organization of production processes and supply chains. We also want to focus on long-term changes in this part of the economy and find solutions for further functioning and development for modern purchase and distribution channels.
[evc_blog_list type=”standard” layout_collections=”boxed” space_between_items=”normal” enable_author=”no” enable_date=”no” category=”ecommerce_and_logistics” excerpt_length=”180″]

Education and leisure

how to improve e-learning processes? How to creative take students time during quarantine outside of school? And finally, if and how currently used technologies will stay with us for longer? Ideas responding to these challenges will be submitted in this category.
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this category will contain ideas that do not match any of the above categories, but which are applicable in the fight against the effects COVID-19.
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