
The Winner | Foqs – User focus monitoring system

16 Apr 2020

Our project involved creating software in order to help teachers with the teaching process and students with learning. Foqs sends notifications to teachers, signaling that something may needs to change in order for the class to become more effective. Maybe it’s time to ask an engaging question? Change the tone of your voice, or take a break?

Project description:

Staying focused for long periods of time is a difficult task for us humans, especially so for our students. The many stimuli reaching us in modern civilization have only made the situation worse. This is especially relevant during pandemics like the COVID-19 pandemic, where teaching increasingly takes place in online classes.

Our project involved creating software in order to help teachers with the teaching process and students with learning. ​Foqs sends notifications to teachers, signaling that something may need to change in order for the online class to become more effective. Maybe it’s time to ask an engaging question? Change the tone of your voice, or take a break?

How does the magic happen? Foqs uses advanced machine learning techniques to analyze eyes and pupils, looking for eye movement and pupil size. It also is able to test whether a person is happy, enthusiastic and engaged. We also implemented features that allow the teacher to receive notifications when a student leaves his/her desk or is not looking at the presentation. Foqs provides the teacher with comprehensive analysis after each class and hints as to how the teaching process can be improved for students to stay focused.

Foqs can also help businesses in meetings in order to save time and cut costs by making meetings and internal training more effective.

Team name: konior_dynamics
Project name: Foqs – User focus monitoring system

Team members: Paweł Konior, Katarzyna Rzęsikowska, Leszek Malec, Igor Wesołowski, Adam Kubaty, Mariusz Duda


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