
The Winner | Foqs – User focus monitoring system

Our project involved creating software in order to help teachers with the teaching process and students with learning. Foqs sends notifications to teachers, signaling that something may needs to change in order for the class to become more effective. Maybe it’s time to ask an engaging question? Change the tone of your voice, or take a break? Project description: Staying focused for long periods…

16 Apr 2020

The Finalist | Be Safe Outside

Our game can increase public awareness about protective measures against diseases. Project description: The main purpose of our game is learning by repetition. At the beginning of the level, the player gets information about the rules that people should follow. His goal is to make sure everyone follows them. We hope that users will remember these rules and guidelines and will follow them in…

16 Apr 2020

The Finalist | YourTutor

E-teacher model that could optimize time and personalized learning. We present a general framework which makes use of technology to improve teachers’ efficiency and optimize students’ time by introducing a personalized self-learning system. Our simulation shows abilities of Reinforcement Learning algorithm to be useful in teaching. A virtual teacher assesses student’s level in a defined area (such as mathematics, literature) by having them solve…

16 Apr 2020